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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  July 13, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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good morning to you. it is july 13th. not a lot of traffic there. 395 at the pentagon but the roads are wet. thank you for being her. and welcome to tuesday morning here on the morning news. good morning to tony. we look at the forecast. >> we're going to see changes in the weather for today. we have more rain on tap. humid conditions and we're not going to forecast 90s for a high for today. we should see the high in the 80s. good morning let's look at hd radar. where it has been. i saw some lightning coming in. there are the rain showers across the potomac and the bay into eastern maryland. some heavy rain falling there. and some rain falling across
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the bay. we have plenty of clouds. here is a look at what we're seeing. 74 here in the district. 73 in baltimore. ocean city and 69 out to the west and the forecast. take the umbrella with you. we're likely to see showers and storms during the course of the day that will cap the temperatures a warm and humid day. that's colling up in a bit. >> let's look at traffic. julie? good morning to you if you are headed to 123 before you reach that exit here at the germantown overpass, the
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accident activity here using the left lanes headed in the direction of the beltway. as you continue. clay delays are forming. traveling along 355355 open for business this morning and south of the beltway and 410. that's where we have a tree reported a a tree down at that location. that's a check of the on time traffic. we have a developing story this morning, an autopsy to identify remains in a ditch. it happened along route 1. the call came in at 8:00 last night. a driver spotted what appeared to be a skull and other remains. at this point investigators don't know how the person died.
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a 7-year-old boy who fell from a window is expected to be okay. this happened in bethesda. he fell from an a unsecured window and landed on the roof of a shed about 8 feet down and rolled off and fell another 7 feet to the ground. he is being treated at the hospital. >> 10-year-old boy hit by a car has died. he was struck while walking in a crosswalk on wisconsin avenue on sunday evening. the driver stayed on the scene swraoefplt no word whether the driver will face any charges. the 10-year-old was visiting with family from galveston, texas. a maryland teen is among those hurt during twin bombings and being treated at a trauma center. and emily terstetter went to do missionary work. they were watching the world cup on sunday. it killed 74 people including one american. a stand off between prince
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george's police and suspected robber ends when the men barricade themselves inside a bus. it started when the suspect walked into a bank of america with a woman. he forced her to make a withdrawal. when the police got to the bank the suspect took off running. they tazed the subject who was hiding under a bus. and investigators find a connection between the woman and the suspect. there were some tense moments. it was a chaotic seen where passengers made their way up broken escalators to get away from smoke. sarah simmons has more from the stop with details and a update on woo they can sect -- what they can expect. >> reporter: they are still under repair here on the circle as well as the south side of the circle. it could be a couple of days, it says, before these case laters return to service.
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now i talked with a worker as well who is whack here -- back here. he is not sure how long it will take. he was not confident they would be open for the rush hour, not something they want to hear after the scene. >> you have to give them space to work. >> this was the scene before 6:00 on monday. firefighters rushing in and heading down the escalator trying to find the source of the smoke. >> then a crush of people and passengers trying to get out some of them worried about their safety. >> they climbed up an case later. we saw the blind. when they reached the top they had to climb over the railing to get out. >> they were yelling at us to walk. they were pushing us up but we could not go anywhere. >> they were on the case later when suddenly metro shut it
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down. >> you got jilted and stopped. >> it made no announcement to get out but they knew something was wrong when the station filled with smoke and firefighters raced by them. >> you don't know what to do. >> to come up, you are out of breathe. with the heat and smoke. you have a problem. it started on monday. this is video after four of the five working escalators stopped. >> you messed it up. >> when you look at this video you wonder why did the trains keep dropping off people. even as people were pushing and shoving to get out. officials say that's not their call. >> why not order them stopped to get them out?
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>> that's a decision that metro makes. >> and why they did not stop letting passengers off. as for the commuters as you get up this morning and they do not work properly. and for the workers it could be some time. wire' live here. danger left at a doorstep. how a woman was nearly killed when she opened a box. the latest on the scene as we check the headlines. this is the morning news 5:07. "know the species, know the stain." lanolin-free coat, i know it's an alpaca. walks in here, looks says "hey look, it's a llama!" cleaning the stain like he would a llama stain. time he's wasting. ♪ call 1-800-steemer
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♪ welcome to ultimate rewards from chase. no blackouts, no restrictions on airfare and hotels, no limits to what you can get with ultimate rewards. no wonder it's called ultimate. available on chase credit, debit, and business cards. chase what matters.
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this doesn't have to be our future. not if the senate acts now on legislation to promote energy efficiency, biofuels,
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and renewable energy sources. let's make america more energy independent, protect our environment, and create millions of new jobs right here at home - instead of losing those jobs to other countries. if you want to change america's energy future, call your senators and tell them to support clean energy legislation now. . >> a fire on a coast guard boat house. the coast guard had toe evacuate a couple of dozen people by boat. this is in massachusetts. no reports of injuries.
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the cause of the fire is under investigation. and a woman in texas nearly died after opening what she thought was a box of chocolates, it was really a bomb. it was left on the doorstep of her home and it had a card attached that said thank you. when she opened it, it exploded t shot nails into her face. she is now recovering. >> they believe she was targeted but they have no motive. and cuba is releasing 52 political prisoners. the first were shipped to spain. the roman catholic church negotiate negotiated the release. they agreed to free the prisoners since a 2008 crackdown. this is the first wave of prisoners. the rest will be released in the coming months. the home in the involved in the alleged rape at duke university four years ago now has been torn down. the house was where a woman said members of the lacrosse team sexually assaulted her. it turned out to be false. the men were declared innocent.
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no decision on what will happen to the house lot. a name in politics may be eyeing the white house. who has criticism for the president. a change in the race for governor. >> we're moving forward not back. >> not so fast. what is happening for the first time. tony? and coming up, latest on the forecast. we'll let you know what we expect to see. take the umbrella you may need it. julie wright will tell us about traffic. there are big problems out on east west highway. that and more when we return. ecic
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. welcome back at 5:15. we look at the washington monument. 74 degrees. and maybe, maybe we can cool
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things down a little bit, tony. >> a little bit. just a degree or two. >> the humidity is thick out there. >> and that's the problem, i mean it's not, today will not feel better than any other day we had recently t will be warm and temperatures in the 80s. and the humidity is high. you can feel that already. and the air is soupy this morning. plenty of moisture out there. some people are seeing rain fall out there. let's look at hd radar. where it is raining now. that is all primarily to the east and the most part the storminess that we have seen during the last, say, 12 hours. it has been east of 95 along 95 and to the east and right now the -- only rain we're seeing t is heavy rain across the portions of maryland and you are seeing activity there along route 50. out to maryland and as you head to delaware that's where we're seeing the precipitation. and across the bay here in the washington area. we have precipitation free. and we're not moisture free,
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there is humidity and mist out there. we have clouds here. we'll see cloudy skies. and a maryland. and a lot of clouds hanging around we'll see impulses. the likelihood and storms. and as far as the rain. all the rain we get and below normal reagan national. and an a inch of rain. most was east of 95 so that shows that. and here is a look at the
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current temperature. and 68 at this hour. the forecast today lots of clouds, storms during the course of the day. and they will develop and move on move will develop. and winds will be out of the east. then the forecast after today. and high in the 80s. right back to the 9 0es. scattered storms. 91 degrees. 94 and as we head into the weekend and temperatures remaining in the low 90s. more activity on saturday. that's a look at what is happen aening with the weather. now what is happening with traffic for that. we go to jewelry wright. >> a busy morning as you step out not only dealing with the wet pavement and road spray but accidents. let's start off in virginia
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along 66 at 123 that's where we have the accident. and and the commute the inner loop and headed up two left lanes on the inner loop. and doing the weather and a they're checking for a crash eastbound 495 after the exit and to go and and they are checking in the area for the crash. and you are no problems to report. and again you can see in the distance the flashing lights. that's a check of the on time traffic. the road to re-election is
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getting bumpy for martin o'malley. and bob ehrlich is slightly in the lead for the race. tom fits gerald reports. >> reporter: in annapolis, martin o'malley rallied the troops. >> campaign is heating up. it is hot here, we're moving forward not back, aren't we. >> the latest poll shows otherwise, putting a former republican governor ahead for the first time. according to the poll he leads by 1 percentage point. 47% to 46%. >> the race has been close all a the way throughout this. >> and the numbers are just part of the story. 11% say the economy is good while 44 say it is bad 467,892% say it is worst. >> is unrest dangerous for
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incumbents. >> the economy, very bad news for incumbents. tough put it in perspective. 83% of the vote evers say when they go to vote in november, the economy is a very important issue. >> he campaigned in washington county but credited the message for his numbers. what will you do to create jobs. >> the numbers have been rising from trailing 6 points in february, putting that in half by april to polling into a tie by june. the campaign focused the blame on ehrlich's administration. >> he inherited a budget deficit. and it responded on line saying the ad was named to salvage his poll numbers. and with the race so tight the candidates could trade the lead over the next three and a half
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months. >> it is tied i would expect to see some changes. >> reporter: maryland is a solid democratic state and only one percentage point separates the candidates. the danger if voters continue this unrest over the economy and then bring that unhappiness with them to the polls in november. >> thank you very much. one of the top political names from the 1990s has a eye on a run. newt gingrich is considering running and make a decision next year. he says he believes that the republican will win the next presidential election. he called the president a disaster who would go down as the worst president in modern times. next, story that you will only see on fox 5. local police officers say their careers were ruined after they reported corruption. this is fox 5 morning
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signal. airborne. beautiful. and strong. there to ensure the most powerful transmitter is you. rule the air. a four who came forward about the corruption are without a job. >> it happened in prince george's county. and we have more. >> reporter: when did you work for the department? >> february 2008 for a year. >> reporter: a life long cop, jeff hamilton said he was recruited to help the young
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police department grow. >> i love the work, i love the integrity and honor and a lot was lost. >> reporter: but he and three other former officers say there were problems inside the department. >> when you get called in the middle of corruption you are stuck especially if it involves your commanders or supervisors. >> reporter: and reporting the problems cost them their job. >> they are sworn police officers, that's what a they were trying to do. >> reporter: an attorney represents the four former officers now suing the city. including the mayor, the city administrator and the chief. >> three of the officers went to the mayor. the mayor did nothing. >> and court coupments day they reported illegal activities engaged in by the police officer's superiors. three were forced to sign resignation letters after receiving threats from their
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superiors. the fourth officer, according to the suit, was terminated because of minor rule violations. >> one opened brutality and reported that to her superior. >> it does not go into detail about the activity. the mayor placed the chief on leave back in october of 2008 while the maryland state police and fbi investigated the department for possible criminal activity. the chief told fox 5 that one of the accusations included the improper selling of impounded vehicles. no charges were filed. the chief was reinstated. after the lawsuit the chief said he could not comment without talking to his attorney. they have not been served with a lawsuit but they are aware of the potential for one the chief and department are damaging its reputation after he left the department and job seeking efforts by making false statements about him. >> a career i worked for in 23
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years, my life, my family, everything i stood for was crushed. >> thank you. the lawsuit seeks more than 8 million in damages. we have plenty more ahead on the news including more trouble for metro. we're checking out the top stories and weather and traffic. that's com
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pretty sky on a tuesday morning. >> although, a little moisture out in the air today. >> yeah. >> quite a bit of rain overnight. >> a little moisture. 84%. >> a lot of moisture. >> uncomfortable. dew point at 70. that's in the uncomfortable range. and you know not the most pleasant start to the day. it will be soupy for the most part. let's look at the radar. we have seen the rain during the overnight and early morning hours. that is limited to the eastern portions of the viewing area. you can see there. it is across eastern maryland. nothing happening inside or around the beltway at this hour. baltimore precipitation free. we mentioned there is mist in place. we're not done with the rain for today. the current temperatures around
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the region. washington and 75 degrees. relative humidity. 84%. no winds to push it around. a muggy start. pressure 2.98%. lots of clouds around today. hot and humid highs in the 80s. and it will not rain all day but there will be periods where the showers will come through. more details on the forecast coming up. thank you. let's look at traffic with julie wright. >> busy trying to clean up a crash for those traveling eastbound along 66. as you work towards 123 still in place here. again 2 left lanes getting by. expect delays waiting for the fire truck to leave the scene.
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and two left lanes 66 before you reach 123. crashes on the inner loop right side blocked. not too much of a backup. and outer loop. we have delays and leaving university boulevard. that's a check of the on time traffic. now a story we're following out of fairfax county. an autopsy will be done to identify remains found in a ditch. it happened about 8:00 last night. and at this point investigators don't know how the person died. >> teen has been indicted in the beating of a woman in her home. the 19 yearly is charged with robbery, aggravated wounding and burgulary. they believe he broke into the
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home of 87-year-old lois rosen. >> teen from maryland among those hurt during bombings in uganda. emily kerstetter and her grandmother went with a group to do missionary work. they were wounded as they watched the world cup finals. 76 people were killed in all. most happened at a club. she has been flown to a trauma center. a standoff between police and a suspected robber ends when the ban barricaded himself in a bus. it started when the suspect walked into a bank of america with a woman, she says he forced her to make a withdrawal. >> she had no money, he waited. he said he was trying to rob her. the bank locked down and called police. >> she said he had two guns in the car when they came to the bank.
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when he left the car there was one gun. so we believe he is arm ad and in possession of that other weapon. >> when the police got to the bank the suspect took off running. they caught up and tazed him who was hiding under a bus. this morning investigators are trying to find a connection between the woman and suspect. therere were tense moments at the dupont metro circle. smoke smiled the station and the firefighters sent the passengers into a panic. we have more from the metro station with a update on the issue that sparked chaos. a terrible time for this to happen the. >> reporter: it was. and it's not going to be a fun morning for people if they are heeding to the dupont metro station. there working on case laters this morning. and two out of the three escalators are under repair. i can tell you north where we are now, they're both, two are down and one is just sending
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people out of the metro stop. i'm hearing from people that it will not be fixed and it could be a couple of days. this started at 6:00. and they were trying to find the. knowing that it was coming from an a case later. they were filling the station. >> they were worried about the safety and that they pushed a a barrier. >> it was hard to brief. i was uncomfortable. there i was able to breathe fine.
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it was not comfortable. >> now there were no injuries out of all of this. and they have not answer a idea they stopped or did not stop running the trains. and anyone coming through this morning. and keep that in mind this morning. back to you. stepping up security at its facilities that comes after someone walked into the division and took a bus and crashing the bus along the way. there is more security personnel being added. it has installed more fencing and security cameras and will use the system that can verify
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information. coming up, a stormy night here some of the damage left. >> a break at 5:38. the market is up slightly.
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♪ welcome to ultimate rewards from chase. no blackouts, no restrictions on airfare and hotels, no limits to what you can get with ultimate rewards. no wonder it's called ultimate. available on chase credit, debit, and business cards. chase what matters.
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a clean up underway after a storm passed through the area. cars and a church were damaged from the falling debris. no injuries were reported. and the u.s. government says it is disappointed not to extra died romanian pulanski. the los angeles district attorney is blasting the decision. the director pled from the u.s. in 1977. he was going to be sentenced after pleading guilty to unlawful swefpl a 13 yearly girl. a warrant is active and the state department will try to extradite him. not a year into the seat on the supreme court and justin so toe mayier is writing a memberror t will be released in english and spanish. and so from there is no word on a title or release date. the battle to lose weight and keep it off.
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the battle millions are struggling with. we'll hear the answer. what a doctor is saying. problems with the commute and the forecast. .
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this doesn't have to be our future.
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not if the senate acts now on legislation to promote energy efficiency, biofuels, and renewable energy sources. let's make america more energy independent, protect our environment, and create millions of new jobs right here at home - instead of losing those jobs to other countries. if you want to change america's energy future, call your senators and tell them to support clean energy legislation now.
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the ronald reagan foundation has a deal to install a statue that will silt on land in front of terminal a. the foundation hopes to dedicate it in the fall. the price tag is about half a million dollars. how about this, new look and, excuse me, an official name for the ymca. it is the first time that the organization is debuting a new logo. >> they are dropping the mc. a part. a lot of people are referring to the it as the y. the updated logo was shown off at the press club. this is the 7th in the 160-year history. >> i sue last night the group, village people, issued a a statement, seriously. >> you are being serious. >> i'm being serious they were
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dismayed by this, what will they say, y... [ laughter ] >> they're saying why? okay. any how. a little wet outside. on my way in i know that lightning there is a bit of lightning in maryland. and where we're seeing rain. across the bay. there is the lightning. and occurring and lower end of this system came through easton not long ago. that's off to the north and east. there are flashes right up to the north of the area. that's moving across the bay
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bridge now. we're seeing some light shower activity. other than some mist. we can show you the satellite. clouds across the area. a lot hanging around. we see shower activity along the seaboard from the outer banks across the bay. maryland our temperature trend. after seeing temperatures near 100 a week or so ago a and in the 90s. 87 we bounce back for the remainder of the week. in the low to mid90s hot and humid will be the hottest day of the week. the current temperatures are in
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the 70s 75 in washington. that's where we will be for home town friday. 75 there now. 68 currently. and forecast for today. a lot of clouds around as i said showers during the day a warm and humid day. high of 87. the humidity in place. the five-day forecast forecast. we cannot rule out scattered storm activity tomorrow. hot on thursday as i mentioned. partly sunny. that's the latest on the weather. >> the crash we mentioned along 66 before 123 has cleared. the rains are open. 270.
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heavy volume. headed to the south of 109 along 410 we have degrees down and wires down. and blocked off between connecticut and 355. and a lot of people waking up. if that affect as the lights remember to treat them as a four-day stop. >> technology moving into the future. a town known for 18th century routes going high tech. officials will go paperless with the i pad. the city voted to buy an i pad so matters could be handled electronically. the move will save thousands of sheets of paper. and face back is working to protect children in britain but the option it could be coming to the us a special panic button can be down loaded that will connect to a child comply case center they can report suspicious behavior.
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if users report problems they will try to notify the correct jurisdiction. the food and drug administration is reviewing three new weight loss drugs that could help dieters reach goals. we see the new drugs. >> 100 million americans are obese. another 100 million overweight. and steward waller has lost 62 pounds he's to manage his weight. >> lifetime. >> the success came through diet and exercise. he asked about prescription diet pills. >> he said yes but if were you demonstrating that were you trying to lose it and exercising and i may consider it. >> reporter: drugs can be a tool. one doctor, director of a weight management program. >> they are necessary but we don't have enough of them right now. >> there are three weight loss drugs under review by the food and drug administration.
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one is made by vivid. and it combines two drugs that he prescribes together. >> we have quite good results and putting it together in a single pill each of which would be at lower doses and in a extended release formula should be effective. it is important to weigh the risks against the benefits of weight loss. i think having the options helps us to treat patients. >> reporter: waller did so well he is a leader with weight watchers. helping others find success with the scale however they choose to attack it. today the food and drug administration will release the data and review at a meeting on thursday. the other two will be reviewed later this year. coming up at 8:00.
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we'll talk with an expert from george washington university about the drugs. steve? nervous moments for john wall and for fans. what had fans holding their breathe and breathing a sigh of relief. hitting the long ball. who is the king of the derby who it is next. 
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angels stadium to the all- star festivities. and the cardinals matt holiday supplied the early fireworks going into the upper deck and wrapped it around the foul pole. 497 feet. he did not make it to the second round. finals and ramirez against david ortiz. that's ramirez hitting 21 to advance. he manage 5d in the last round. ortiz 21 in the first two and dominated the finals clubbing 11 more to win the derby. a lefty won five of the last six years. >> there were tense moments
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for wizards fans. beating the clippers last night. he looked good and scored 18 points and five steals and went down hard there. he got knocked hard on this back. he left the game. the good news he would return to the game. everything is okay. the owner of the caves is going to have to help his checkbook for his rant against lebron games. dan gilbert was fined. he said that james can make the choice to go to miami. he thought james should have let the cavs know ahead of time. gilbert calls james cowardly in an open letter. and washington capitals back on the ice. 23 prospects and all five selections skated in the development camp. it included workouts and ends
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saturday. the team coming off the best regular season in franchise history. what changes can the fans expect? >> a lot of people are, you know negative about the way it ended but reled the league. there is not a lot left. we did not want to go out and blow tup swraoefplt a good team. >> and tennis news, we talk about the castles. williams will not take the court this season. she has a foot injury. she was to play four matches and make her only dc appearance on wednesday. that will not happen now. after winning their first world cup. a celebration continued as the champs met with the king of spain. they wore their red jerseys and presented the king with one. then they celebrated the victory with many of their
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fans. >> we'll be back with more news.
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